Beautiful definition pleasing the senses or mind aesthetically.Lana del Rey begins her music video with a zoom in on her face. She is showing how beautiful her make up looks and she gives off this very classy presence. If Del Rey would have dress very trashy, then the viewers wouldn't really understand the video since it is titled Young and Beautiful therefore she showed how she is young and beautiful.
When the chorus hits, Del Rey is asking her man if he will still love her although she is not young and beautiful as she once was. The video shows the orchestra director begin very dramatically and slowly the music starts to settle. Once she is done asking the dramatic music stops. Asking your man if he'll still love when you're old can be a very touchy subject; the dramatic music is anticipating the man's answer hoping he will answer correctly.
Towards the end of the song Lana del Rey sings, "Dear lord, when I get to heaven," the video shows the orchestra change from black to red and then the music starts to change to very calm music; this probably happened because she is singing about heaven and heaven is believed to be a very calm soothing place to go when you die. Then when she sings "please let me bring my man when he comes tell me that you'll let him in," She appears to be walking towards a gap of light symbolizing the gates of heaven. Finally, the video ends with a last scene of the orchestra slowing down and the lights dimming.This all works well together making Lana del Rey's music video a sucess. The background, effects, and woredore choice really works to bring out the meaning behind Del Rey's lyrics.
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