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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Remix of I'll Be There For You

 My remix was based off my blog post, I'll Be There For You. In this blog I took the tv show Friends and demonstrated how this show protrays their actresses as "typical" women, such as: indecisive, the dumb blonde, and compulsive perfectionist. 

Friday, December 6, 2013

Multiple Source Synthesis

Being that this was my lasy paper for the semester, I picked something that would be interesting to me.

Lopez Multiple Source Synthesis by alondralopez15

Literary Analysis

In my literary analysi, I couldn't chose a topic.I was jumping around from one thing to another. Finally I chose my topic and here it is.

Compare and Contrast

The comparing and contrasting of different movie critics.

Despicable Me by alondralopez15

Thursday, December 5, 2013

Text Analysis

And I present to you my text analysis paper.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Annotated Bib.

"You're going to write a paper about writing a paper, but you're not going to write the paper". Okay, what? When I got assigned the annotated bibliography I had no idea how it even worked. In the end when I was able to finally figure it out, it wasn't that bad.

Literacy Narrative

My first rhetoric assignment was to write a literacy narrative. Being that I went over the summer to Brazil, I thought what better than to write about my experience.

Lopez Literacy Narrative by alondralopez15


Tuesday, December 3, 2013

To Cook Them Dead or Alive.

Culture differs from country to country, person to person, but is culture used as the excuse to hurt animals? Animals suffer from abuse all the time, but do people really need to kill a dog or cat by cooking them alive? On Change.Org, Linda Camac wrote the petition Stop Cooking Animals Alive to Mr. Sun Guoxiang. She believes that it is cruel to cook animals while they are still alive, just for a better taste.

About Me

Stay at home mom, living the dream.